Evan Rachel Wood
Evan Rachel Wood was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, on September 7, 1987. Her father, Ira David Wood III (a theatre actor as well as writer and director) is her father. Sara Wood Wood is her mother, as well as an actress. Her older brothers include Dana Wood, a musician and Ira David Wood IV who also have been actors. Evan and her brothers frequently were seen performing in the Theatre In The Park in Raleigh. Her father founded the theater and serves as its executive director. After a long audition process and a five-year age gap, she was old when she had the opportunity to screen-test against Kirsten Dunst. She relocated to Los Angeles with her mom and brother Ira in 1996 . She's had success ever since, appearing in a television show, TV movie and feature films. Tracy played her part in Practical Magic (1998) and also in S1m0ne (2002 the child of Al Pacino). Holly Hunter followed with Thirteen (2004). Her breakthrough performance in the role of Tracy in "Thirteen" earn...